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Writer's pictureLuzia Lifecoach

10 Things to declutter right now for a refreshed and organized life

In the midst of our busy lives, clutter can accumulate faster than we realize. Whether it's physical clutter in our homes or mental clutter in our minds, decluttering is essential for creating space for what truly matters. It's not just about tidying up; it's about reclaiming our space, time, and mental clarity. So, if you're feeling overwhelmed by the chaos around you, it might be time to tackle that clutter head-on. Here are 10 things you can declutter right now to kickstart your journey to a refreshed and organized life.

declutter something

1 | Clothes

Start with your wardrobe. Take a critical look at each item of clothing and ask yourself if you've worn it in the past year. If not, it's time to let it go. Donate or sell clothes that no longer serve you, and free up valuable closet space for pieces you truly love and wear regularly.

2 | Kitchen Gadgets

How many kitchen gadgets do you own that you rarely use? Be honest with yourself and declutter those items that are taking up precious counter or cabinet space. Keep only the tools you use frequently and donate or sell the rest.

3 | Paper Clutter

Paperwork can quickly pile up and create unnecessary stress. Set aside some time to go through your papers and toss or shred anything you no longer need, like old receipts, expired coupons, or outdated documents. Invest in a filing system to organize important papers and prevent future clutter.

4 | Digital Files

Just like physical clutter, digital clutter can weigh you down. Take some time to organize your computer files, delete duplicates, and clear out old emails. Not only will this free up storage space, but it will also make it easier to find what you need when you need it.

5 | Toiletries and Makeup

Bathroom cabinets can easily become overrun with half-empty bottles of shampoo, expired medications, and unused beauty products. Take stock of your toiletries and makeup and toss anything that's expired or that you no longer use. Simplify your routine by keeping only the essentials.

6 | Books and Magazines

Are your bookshelves overflowing with books you've already read or don't plan to read? Consider donating or selling books you no longer need to free up space for new reads. Be selective about the magazines you subscribe to and recycle old issues regularly.

7 | Sentimental Items

While it's important to hold onto meaningful mementos, too many sentimental items can clutter your space and weigh you down emotionally. Choose a few items that truly bring you joy and display them prominently, but don't feel guilty about letting go of the rest.

8 | Junk Drawer

Almost everyone has a junk drawer (or two) filled with random odds and ends. Take a few minutes to empty out your junk drawer and sort through its contents. Toss anything that's broken or no longer useful, and find a designated spot for items you want to keep.

9 | Unused Electronics

Old phones, chargers, cables, and other electronics can accumulate over time, taking up valuable storage space. Recycle or donate any electronics you no longer use, and make a habit of properly disposing of electronic waste in the future.

10| Negative Energy

Finally, declutter your mind and spirit by letting go of negative thoughts, toxic relationships, and anything else that no longer serves you. Surround yourself with positivity and focus on the things that bring you joy and fulfillment.

"Clutter is not just physical stuff. It's old ideas, toxic relationships, and bad habits. Clutter is anything that does not support your better self." - Eleanor Brownn

Decluttering isn't just about creating a tidy space; it's about creating room for growth, creativity, and peace of mind. By letting go of the things that no longer serve you, you can create a home and a life that feels light, spacious, and full of possibilities. So, what are you waiting for? Start decluttering today and reap the benefits of a refreshed and organized life.

3 Books that can help you get started

These books delve into different aspects of decluttering and simplifying your life, providing valuable insights and actionable advice to help you create a more harmonious and balanced existence.

  1. "Cluttered Mess to Organized Success Workbook: Declutter and Organize Your Home and Life with Over 100 Checklists and Worksheets" by Cassandra Aarssen: This workbook provides practical guidance and tools to help you declutter and organize your home and life systematically. With checklists, worksheets, and step-by-step instructions, it offers a hands-on approach to tackling clutter in different areas of your life.

  2. "Soulful Simplicity: How Living with Less Can Lead to So Much More" by Courtney Carver: Courtney Carver shares her personal journey of simplifying her life and finding greater meaning and fulfillment in the process. Through practical advice and inspiring stories, she explores the benefits of living with less and embracing a minimalist mindset to cultivate joy, connection, and purpose.

  3. "The Joy of Less: A Minimalist Guide to Declutter, Organize, and Simplify" by Francine Jay: In this book, Francine Jay offers a comprehensive guide to decluttering and simplifying your life by embracing minimalism. With practical tips, strategies, and insights, she helps readers let go of excess stuff, organize their belongings, and create a more intentional and fulfilling lifestyle with less clutter.


67 things to declutter RIGHT NOW | Madisun Gray [20:56]



10 things to declutter right now

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